Sunday, August 3, 2008

yOU HAVE TO WATCH!!! I couldn't stop laughing!


Anonymous said...

UNREAL!! That's all i have to say... as i sit here and ponder how in the heck you guys could possibly be that weird i remebered mandie has issues considering the fact that she got electricuted as a baby... and craig is just kinda stuck with her! Bless your little heart. Lanie asked if craig was special.. Well i must admit i did laugh uncontrolable! i still actually am hahahaha... well you two make a hilarious couple.
(: Audrey

Kurt and Jordan said...

I freakin love you!! Im so glad you found me on here. I cant stop laughing you guys are hilarious, we always do that on our computer I love the picture thing haha

Caryn said...

hahah Devin and I found this hilarious! So funny!

Congratulations, that's awesome, so happy for you two!

We are totally up for a chill anytime and you always have a place to stay in VVVEEGAS!

Michelle said...

hahahahahha okay I LOVE this video. I am so happy you found my blog! YESSSS that is the roomie that is gone! the SICK-ACE! I dont know if she blogs but guess what, I don't even care if she sees it. hahaha I know that probably sounds so rude but you have no idea now nasty she was :/ can we hang out?!

Sammie said...

Oh my word I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! Lol wow mandie I miss you like crazy!!! Hah that was so freakin halarious I love you!

Matt,Jewles,me,craig! Snowbird!

Matt,Jewles,me,craig! Snowbird!